So, the Better Half is expecting. Pretty exciting times. She's past 30 weeks already, so... it's getting close. I am dubious about how much blogging happens once the baby is here, but... that's for a later decision.
We are now shopping for a lot of things, so... today's pictures come with questions:
Is this Military Surplus Store (body armor) or Babies R Us (baby sling)?

"protective enclosure" or "cage"?

Everyone - have a good weekend.
I recommend the Dilly Cafe:
Great food plus a shop with large selection of wine,beer, cheese, etc.
The cafe is in a cute section of Cincinnati called Mariemont. Lots of great shops to browse.
Unrelated to Cincinnati,but pertaining to a previous post of yours, a restaurant called "Hue" is taking over the "Taste of Tango" restaurant:
we made a trip to Ikea and Jungle Jim's this summer... A Taste of Julia's was pretty awesome on the road to the latter - soul / home food style grub, if you enjoy that kinda thing. The sweet potato casserole was especially amazing & my wife has requested that I try to duplicate it for Thanksgiving.
And might I add, Jungle Jim's is friggin awesome and I wish we lived closer!!
oh - I've also heard good things about, but have never tried it (it is more downtown):
hit up Jungle Jims and just eat everything in sight!! I have spent entire days there... And if you say, "what's jungle jims?" I will hunt you down and smack you.
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