Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I think I'm going to take a break from being very active on here for a while.... maybe, once we see how much we keep going out with our baby I might come back to post some, but I think I'm going to work on a private blog to "scrapbook" our baby's first year, so I may make that my side project from real work for a bit.....

Not many recent recommendations...... Over the holidays, tho, I did really enjoy this podcast from Freakonomics Radio. Since my undergrad was in economics, I really appreciate the approach that Dubner and Levitt take. It is a great question they ask - "Do more expensive wines taste better?" If you love your subscription to Wine Spectator, you won't like this podcast.

Be well!


Erin in Indy said...

Good luck with the baby! (When is s/he due?). Yeah, pretty sure you'll be busy!

wibia said...

Dude, you just got started! Enjoyed your reveiws so far...good luck with the baby.

Indy Grub Review said...

He was born the 12th.... healthy, happy and big... 8lb 15oz.... and, guess what, he loves to eat...!

Erin in Indy said...

Congrats! And a baby who loves to eat is a very good thing (take it from someone who had one who didn't--talk about cranky).

Take care!